Ein Tag getragen Socken extrem abgenutzt! Liebe diese Baumwolle Socken. Schwitze mit den zusätzlichen Hausschuhe extrem.

Hello honey, I’m excited to be your first customer and I’m interested in purchasing your panties, used under-wears, bra and tights, now just feel free to reach out to me for price and offer, I’ll be waiting for your text honey.!
{{Zangi}}- 1029495586
{{k.!.k}}:- cedric_james2
{{Tel~gram}}- @cedricjames8
{{Discord}}- @cedricjames08
{GoogleChat}- cedjames042@gmail.com
Hello beautiful…. I’m new here and I will also like you to be my first seller, I’m so much interested in your service .can you kindly text me so we can talk about your payment immediately
((D.i.s.c.o.r.d))==adamarisriche_90198 ((Z.A.N.G.I))== 1002914676
((G.O.O.G.L.E.C.H.A.T))== risricheadama@gmail.com