Socken so wie du sie möchtest ⚘

2 Kommentare

Ich trage die Socken so lange wie du es mir befielst.. danach kriegst du sie 🤗

Schreib mir per E-mail und wir werden uns einig..

Preis ab 20 Euro inkl Versand

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  • hello sexy… I’m very much interested in your services.. Can we discuss in detail about your services and also talk about your payment if you don’t mind!!?
    IG: raudholland35
    Telegram: @raudholland3
    Snapchat: raud_holland

  • Hello pretty 😍…i came across your sexy profile, i think I’d love to purchase some content 🥰 at your service..! Can we discuss briefly about your services and also talk about your payment right away…Kik:- hugorolf4, Telegram:- @hugorolf44, Snap:- rolf_hugo, Skype:: cid.5a53adb405038882

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